Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Agricultural Development versus Rural Development

In Indonesia, agricultural and rural development are the same. Rural development is agricultural development, and vice versa. This is not the case. Both are different. The approaches and forms of activities are run differently. Indeed many departments in some countries bring together agricultural affairs with rural development in one organization

The seminar entitled "The Future of Small Farms" was conducted on 26-29 June 2005 by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). There is a sub-chapter in the proceedings of "Beyond Agricultural Production to the Importance of the Rural Economy as a Whole". Here, agricultural development is seen as a key component in rural development. The point is how to facilitate the transition from rural-based small farming to rural economies with diverse economic resources, able to compete in international markets, and more dynamically.

In the OECD book (2010: "Agricultural Policies and Rural Development: a Synthesis of Recent OECD Work"), it is mentioned that rural development has a wide and diverse connotation, and the term "rural development policy" is often reversed with the concept of "regional policy". Rural development is interpreted as an issue of economic growth. Some countries have made agriculture a central business and some are not.

In terms of integration between rural development and regional development policy, Norway and Switzerland integrate it, whereas in Australia and Europe generally separates it. While between rural and agricultural development, Australia and the United States, for example, separated it, but in Norway it was united. Another case, Japan makes agricultural development a vehicle for running rural development (OECD, 2010). The focus of agricultural development is to improve the business skills for farmers facing global and climate pressures such as Australia, Canada and the US. But in Europe generally includes agricultural investments, processing industries, environmental management, animal health, food quality and safety, and maintaining traditions.

Comparison between agricultural development and rural development

Agricultural development

Rural development

Aims to produce agricultural commodities to meet national needs, manage natural resources, and prosper farmers who do it.

Aims to improve the quality of life of rural communities. In connection with efforts to improve the quality of life in the countryside and economic welfare for those who live in the countryside. Rural development has traditionally attempted to exploit natural resources, in the form of agriculture and forestry. Currently developing into rural and tourism industries.
Influenced by climate, culture and technology. The required science is the biology of plants and animals, soil and climate, as well as socioeconomic.

It has an inherent character with geographical location. The fields of science used are economic, social, development and political management.
The focus is on improving the skills of agribusiness, agricultural investment, agri-food industry, environmental management, animal welfare, quality and food security, and preservation of cultural heritage.
The object is the provision of physical and social infrastructure, educational facilities, health, and settlement.

Our knowledge of agricultural development is currently influenced by industry perspectives. We are trying to apply the industry's way of working and want its products to be like industrial products (uniform).
Influenced by the city's biased perceptive. The village was built in the hope of a city-like look.
Methods and analysis used are the analysis of cultivation, trading system results, profits, organizing farmers, and others.
The study methods used are PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) and RRA (Rapid Rural Appraisal).
It used to be the amount of production, productivity, and labor productivity. Now also consider environmental health, biodiversity, and healthy food.
In the past, the size of the economy was mainly the income of the rural population. It has also considered the environment, quality of life, and changes in a more equitable economic structure.
